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THE ODYSSEY is an epic adventure, a world first, a race against time, an entire year of living dangerously.Scouse film maker Graham Hughes barking, madcap 12 month adventure!!12 months, 90,000 kilomet ...
this is cool For adrenaline junkies Robert "Boston Rob" Mariano and Dennis Anderson, attempting to circumnavigate the globe using every conceivable mode of transportation, it's not the destination tha ...
If you celebrate the Lunar New Year, how are you celebrating it? Here's some awesome photos of the way people around the world celebrate. ...
Although you may be tempted to do apartment/housing swaps, make sure you take extra precautions so you don't get ripped off like this guy did. ...
The island of Samos is an island very green, with dense forests, with many sources and many criquent which earned him a very rich history at the crossroads of ancient civilizations. The island of Samo ...
It was during Christmas. He had just snowed. Here is a walk in Brussels's park, in front of Royal Palace. King does not live there. ...
Some really good tips in here, like using "private sale" sites or booking your flights on Tuesday. ...