Broke Traveler Forum
Forum Thread: Finding Alternative Accommodations When Hotels Are Too Much
Traveling around the world is a major expense and accommodation is one of the biggest burdens on your bank account. Considering how the internet has expanded travel information and worldwide commerce, you may not need to stay at a hotel chain during your next vacation.
Forum Thread: How to Prepare Documents for Thailand Tourist Visa from Bangladesh
How to prepare documents for Thailand tourist visa from Bangladesh. This video is Bangladeshi citizens only or who lived on Bangladesh.
Forum Thread: Choosing Binary Option Brokers
Plunging into an investment pool can be very scary, especially if this is your first time. However, it can also be very exciting and engaging. If you're not able to manage binary trades yourself, it's best you hire binary option brokers. See that they are willing to work for you rather than just providing a few services for you. The main difficulty in hiring a broker is that not all brokers are suitable for all investors. You need to be on your guard as there are many scammers around. It nece...
Forum Thread: A Question for travelers
Is it possible to travel with no money at all?
Forum Thread: Travel pictures
Have any cool or interesting pictures that you would like to share? Post them here.
Travel Gear: Anything that makes your trip easier.
Do you have anything that helps you out when you travel?
Forum Thread: Travel Books
Have you read a book or article that helped you in your travels? Post it here.
Travel tips: How to go, see, and get there.
A forum for travel Advice. Anyone have any tips?
Forum Thread: Travel the Globe for $3,699
Came across this today.
Forum Thread: Travel show and documentaries.
Have any favorite travel shows? Post them here.